Our Labs


Meet all of our parent dogs (Dams and Sires)!

Here you will find more information about our Labrador Retriever parent dogs to help you make the best decision on which dam and sire would provide you with the type of puppy that'd fits your needs and desires. You'll find information about their temperaments, genetic testing, size, color, etc. 


As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us via email or phone. Please also follow us on Facebook (Our Facebook page and profile provide more information than our Instagram.) and Instagram! 

Labrador dams & sire


September 30, 2024

Female / Future dam

Charcoal (dilute)(dd)

English Labrador Retriever

AKC registered

Genetic Tested: Pending

Akira is the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, she has a heart of gold and loves everyone she meets stealing hearts almost instantly with all whom meet her. Great demeanor, very patient, easy going, affectionate, easily adapts to new places and environments, very quiet and rarely barks or whines, playful but laid back, on the calmer side, learns quickly and has been easy to train. Akira's traits are highly desirable making her the perfect family companion for families with children or looking for a dog that'll light up a room and express more love than you could imagine. Akira will follow us around and wants to be wherever we are. She loves playing with our kids and cuddling up next to everyone on the couch. She's also a great retriever and will play fetch all day long if you'll let her. 




August 27, 2024

Female / Future dam

Silver (dilute)(dd)

English/American Labrador Retriever

AKC registered

Genetic Health Tested: 273 clear, 1 carrier- RETN

Mocha is one of our most intelligent, easiest to train dogs in our program and frankly we've ever had. She came home with us at 10 weeks old and we quickly realized she was one smart cookie! This both works for us and against us at times as that superpower brain of hers also helps her figure things out and find mischief from time to time. However, it's mostly a blessing as she's a relatively well behaved youngin. She's eager to please, loves to play, not hyperactive but does have higher energy levels than the rest of our Labradors do. Mocha loves to be with us and loves to run and play. She's be perfect for active families, someone looking for a working dog or for hunting buddy. She's extremely intelligent, learns quickly, very driven to please, energetic, and loves to snuggle. 


*Please note Mocha is a carrier of 1 genetic condition and IS NOT effected by it, nor will her offspring be effected as our sires are genetically clear. What this means is Mocha is safe to breed and has bee cleared by our vet. Both mother and puppies are and will be healthy to the best of our knowledge. 


November 08, 2024

Male / Future sire

Chocolate (Carries dilute)(Dd)

English/American Labrador Retriever

AKC registered

Genetic Health Tested: Pending

There's no doubt Blitzen is going to grow into an exceptional boy. Stay tuned on his progress how he's growing. 

Silver AKC sire coming Fall/Winter 2025